power issues in relationships

sometimes, power is handed to us by emotionally dependent partners who don’t mind suppressing their needs and preferences in exchange for security and stability. or, we avoid heated arguments that can restore the balance of power in our relationship, because we mistakenly believe that a healthy relationship is free of arguments. the presence of power in a relationship can sometimes be a healing and growth factor if you exercise it with care and empathy towards your significant other. in other …

relationship stalemate advice

when you and your partner can’t seem to agree on a particular topic, whether it’s who does the chores or how you discipline your children, it can become a lasting point of contention in your relationship. oftentimes, disagreements bring partners’ vulnerabilities to the surface, perel said, and that can cause them to react in a defensive way that makes it nearly impossible to solve the issue at hand.

she gave the example of a couple who can’t agree on who …

relationship coach for men

women are statistically much more likely to seek out objective feedback on their romantic life, and anecdotally, most of the relationship coaches i spoke with for this piece confirmed that the majority of their clients are women. because coaches aren’t required to go to school for what they do, and there’s no regulation of their industry, the field abounds with bullshit coaches hawking aphorisms that they claim will change your life in just six easy steps, for just six easy …

relationship advice for black couples

in this modern day of social distancing, fake instagram relationships that last for two months and daily doses of celebrity filled timelines that boast pour and stir marriages, it’s easy to get lost in the sauce of what it truly means to cultivate a relationship that, hopefully, becomes a coupled alliance capable of overcoming obstacles, surviving disagreements and birthing brown babies. it’s especially difficult when you realize that black folks are still recovering from the systematic trauma of being oppressed. …

relationship advice from bible

roxy is no stranger to the bible and to officiating weddings. and whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the lord jesus, giving thanks to god the father through him.” the power of love is at the center of relationships and marriage, so it’s no surprise that the bible has a lot to say about the powerful concept. if anyone acknowledges that jesus is the son of god, god lives in them …