relationship stalemate advice

when you and your partner can’t seem to agree on a particular topic, whether it’s who does the chores or how you discipline your children, it can become a lasting point of contention in your relationship. oftentimes, disagreements bring partners’ vulnerabilities to the surface, perel said, and that can cause them to react in a defensive way that makes it nearly impossible to solve the issue at hand.

she gave the example of a couple who can’t agree on who …

asexual open marriage

as my partner emily and i near the two-year mark of living together through myriad lockdowns, i can finally say we have found a way to manoeuvre through the tension when we circle back to that old chestnut of love life: sex. with a little help, my ace-fluid partner and i have found a few shiny little relationship devices to get us through our rockier conflicts. that’s when i turned the thing on and broke our angry stalemate with a …

dating sexuality relationship

whether you’re new to the dating scene, a regular player, or jumping back into the game after a long hiatus, the same questions about dating rules apply: how soon do you lean over for that first kiss? “especially among older people who went through the sexual revolution, with maturity they realize there are emotional consequences for getting involved in a sexual relationship,” says allen, author of celebrating single and getting love right: from stalemate to soulmate. while you can’t apply …

capricorn and gemini relationship

both gemini and capricorn are very intelligent signs, so they can have some great conversations. this can be a great match if they are able to appreciate their differences. however, they can also be a little flighty and irresponsible at times. they are curious, youthful, and always up for a good time. however, they can also be a little stiff and unyielding at times.

they are curious, youthful, and always up for a good time. however, gemini men and capricorn …