marriage secrets

“it turns out that the amount of fun couples have and the strength of their friendships are a strong predictor of their future.” research shows that couples who regularly celebrate the good times have higher levels of commitment, intimacy, trust, and relationship satisfaction… it’s not enough that your partner knows that you take pride in his or her accomplishments. making a fuss over the small, good things that happen every day can boost the health of your marriage. in real …

open marriage documentary

but it was incredibly frustrating to watch this couple navigate the newness of an open relationship and polyamory without doing the proper work. there’s no ‘i’ in threesome as a title for a movie on ethical non-monogamy is a slap in the face to those who practice it. they’re embarking on a new lifestyle, one that changes the overall dynamic of their relationship. in the first few minutes of the documentary, ollie and zoe state the rules of their “monogamish …