relationship advice for engaged couples

have you and your partner just decided to get married? but while you have just gotten engaged, mind you, there is still a lot of work to do before you actually walk down the aisle. this is because you may decide to get engaged but would like to wait longer to actually get married. it’s understandable that you want everything to be perfect by the time the wedding day arrives, and you’d want this period to be the time where …

relationship advice for black couples

in this modern day of social distancing, fake instagram relationships that last for two months and daily doses of celebrity filled timelines that boast pour and stir marriages, it’s easy to get lost in the sauce of what it truly means to cultivate a relationship that, hopefully, becomes a coupled alliance capable of overcoming obstacles, surviving disagreements and birthing brown babies. it’s especially difficult when you realize that black folks are still recovering from the systematic trauma of being oppressed. …

relationship advice for gay couples

you are finally comfortable in your skin and you want to make sure that you stay happily coupled in your gay relationship. when you are long past the heady, blissful beginning days of your relationship, continuing to do small, loving gestures for each other will go a long way in showing that your gay relationship partner is significant. when you come home, you will have something new to share, keeping the conversation and the “spark” alive in your gay relationship. …

relationship advice for busy couples

you and your partner should be able to talk to each other about anything under the sun if you want your relationship to continue to grow. you can express gratitude by complimenting your partner and continuing to use basic manners. dating is a huge way that you and your spouse can stay connected. this is still a great way to connect with your partner!

if you have a busy af schedule, that last thing you want is to add another …

relationship advice from old couples

“you need to be friends first and have trust in each other. these days, grandkids are a bonus in our lives!” “my husband craig and i will be married 50 years in september, and with the exception of our children and grandchildren, our anniversary is what i am most proud of! and then realizing that it is going to take a lot of work and that life isn’t perfect (and no marriage is, either.) we have had a wonderful, challenging, …