i hate my marriage

gnash may be singing about a breakup in her top ten billboard hit, but even during the best of times couples can feel conflicted. in fact, i recently asked a group of a dozen (basically happily) married women at my book club (it’s more like a drink wine and talk club), if they ever “hated” their husbands. here’s the relationship advice experts suggest if you currently resent, or even feel like you hate your husband, especially if you want to …

i hate marriage

if i could give an individual a gift, apart from a meaningful and vibrant faith, i would want to give people a committed, loving marriage. when a marriage is good, a couple can face nearly anything in life. but marriage isn’t perfect. no matter how good a marriage might be, it has problems. every relationship has strengths, weaknesses, and areas in need of growth. the imperfections of a good marriage creates beautiful opportunities for learning and growth. it’s in our …

i want an open marriage

the key to a successful open marriage is for both consenting partners to be clear about their own desires and their expectations of their spouse. while they want their wife to feel fulfilled, they have some reservations about jumping into an open marriage… ‘for some years, i have been aware of my wife’s desire to explore her sexuality by having sex with other partners as a one-off or occasional activity. ‘i would, i think, be pleased to see her fulfilled …

dating your therapist

here’s why it happens and how to handle it. falling in love with your therapist happens more often than you might think, and it can be attributed to a concept called transference. you can fall in love with your therapist for several different reasons, says waichler, who lists possible explanations below: so you have a crush on your therapist but you don’t know what to do about it. here’s some suggests about what to do and what not to do. …

dating a therapist

pros of dating a therapist are that they’re good listeners, very patient, and very invested in the well-being of the relationship. but is it all that good to date a therapist? it will be tough to get to see your partner for long enough to have a meaningful relationship between private patients, hospitals, and visits to institutions. for one thing, being in a romantic relationship with a therapist will require you to have a lot of confidence. they are the …