cheating trust issues

you’re probably wondering how to trust anyone again after someone cheats, whether you decide to stay with the same person or date someone new. i take it you don’t want to be among the cheating statistics. it is possible to keep your head out of the sand without being in constant investigative mode, and if you find that you are in a perpetual state of mental unrest and anxiety, then additional healing should be your goal, not a new partner …

cheating trust

your browser history can be monitored without your knowledge and it can never be wiped completely. as hard as this might be to hear, it’s important to remember that there is no way to 100% guarantee that your partner will never cheat again. your partner has to make the choice not to cheat, and you can’t control other people’s decisions. it does take a lot of work, and both partners have to be committed to healing the relationship. your relationship …

cheating and trust

there are many temptations to organize our life around the experience of earlier trauma. that is the crux of infidelity, and it is what must be repaired if cheaters hope to salvage a deeply damaged primary relationship. and many cheaters will opt for a different approach, which is to continue lying but to try to do it more effectively.

basically, cheaters must make a commitment to living differently and abiding by certain boundaries, the most important of which is ongoing …

trust issues after infidelity

we recognize that this may be challenging for some to read and advise those still dealing with the trauma of an affair to exercise their best judgment in reading this. in this phase for recovery, according to the gottman method, it is the cheater’s responsibility to take fault as well as make amends and reparation for their actions. the everyday reminders of my cheating and the verbal lashes i received from my partner made it seem as if it would …

trust issues from cheating

kelli miller is a psychotherapist, author, and tv/radio host based in los angeles, california. kelli also facilitates groups for those struggling with alcohol and drug addiction as well as anger management groups. kelli was a host on la talk radio, a relationship expert for the examiner, and speaks globally. she received her msw (masters of social work) from the university of pennsylvania and a ba in sociology/health from the university of florida.

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