dating in your 20s

that sound so negative, but it’ll all make sense in a minute because i was the queen of going on what i thought was a great first date and then building a guy up to be so wonderful and amazing before really getting to know him. there were obviously way more dates that ended with me wishing i hadn’t put pants on and left the house, but there were definitely a handful of idiots that i gave way too much …

dating advice for early 20s

that sound so negative, but it’ll all make sense in a minute because i was the queen of going on what i thought was a great first date and then building a guy up to be so wonderful and amazing before really getting to know him. there were obviously way more dates that ended with me wishing i hadn’t put pants on and left the house, but there were definitely a handful of idiots that i gave way too much …

dating advice in your 20s

sure, that guy you used to hang out with at school might have just posted a “she said yes!” snap on insta, but good things take time, especially when it comes to matters of the heart, and your twenties are the time to have fun and experiment before you settle down in a decade or so’s time (if ever). you don’t want to do it in a bait way where you vibe with them. i had one awkward moment where …

relationships in your 20s

your needs and wants in any relationship is very different in each age range and as we grow up we tend to look at the concept of love very differently as well. up until your mid 20s, you feel a constant need and enthusiasm to go on dates, to have a partner to go together to the movies, talk on the phone for hours, and go out alone or with friends. some of the rosy outlook on life that you …

dating men over 40

and for a man over 40, it’s hard to find the kind of self-knowledge and life experience that leads to true confidence inside of a woman who’s only entering her 23rd year of life. uncomfortable with parts of your body that used to be higher and tighter? but being with someone who doesn’t look so obviously out of place on their arm and in their bed helps them to feel great about the body they’re in (note double entendre). that’s …