true love relationship

dr. lisa firestone, co-author of sex and love in intimate relationships, often says that the best way to think of love is as a verb. when we are dishonest with our partner, we do them, the relationship, and ourselves a great disservice. keeping love alive means staying in touch with a part of ourselves that wants physical contact and is willing to give and receive affection. that is why the first step to being more loving is to get to know and challenge our own defenses. love is not about the submission of a woman to a man, or vice versa. it is a feeling in the core of your being, and if you are lucky enough with love, you wake up every morning with the knowledge that you have done enough for validity of oneself sharing love to the ones who complete them. one thing i knew about love is that those who say they are in love, they must be ready and willing to sacrifice for each other and as well as do things that will make the love to grow. that is why i decided to go for a divorce with my husband, and leave him. that is the question i want to answer. although there are ebbs and flow in a relationship , if a relationship is more effort and work then it is mutually loving and easy going then, i would consider that the partnership might not compatible.

very easy for a man to find love in the old days, since many of us single men really can’t find love today even when we try. i like it too, but if this were to be the case for the rest of our lives, would it be damaging in any way to our relationship? love doesn’t fix your life, but you can’t have it until you know that much like a garden, you have to work to dow seeds and weed it for it to bear food. to the men, they were property, and that is not love. i have no choice but to accept that you want something and someone better than me in life. we are your equals and you will have to deal with that or go your own way. i haven’t been in a relationship for quite some time and talk to women all the time so it’s not as if i’m desperate. simple question: is this the treatment you would tolerate in a friendship? the only thing you want when you truly love someone is to see them happy. the debate about love being a feeling or a choice is difficult to answer. so forgiveness is my definition of love as long as it doesn’t have to be over the same thing again and again.

the following signs will give you confidence that the love you and your partner have in your relationship is real. you listen to each other’s opinions, and when there’s a difference, you both agree to work it out and remain happy in your relationship. you trust each other and you hope for the future because you both act and work hard to gain confidence that your hope and faith will not be in vain. your focus is on the present moment and how you can truly love your partner and make him/her happy while the two of you are in a relationship.

you can easily cancel your business meetings, work schedule and other things to do in your timetable just to be with each other’s side. you use it and consider its value but it’s nothing compared to the importance of your relationship with him/her. he’s simply mad because he’s given his all in your relationship and loves you unconditionally……. “your relationship makes you complete.” a relationship/ marriage is one element of a life… but to make one other person the whole of your life and happiness and completeness seems a very heavy burden to put on them. it is just a suggest, its your choice to do it or not.

real true love is being very caring, loving, committed, compatible, and really being there for one another as well. and being very faithful to one another too. true love includes respect, admiration, care, and never subjecting your partner to hurt, humiliation or any form of abuse. many assume they in a truly loving relationship, we give to the other without an expectation of return. we don’t keep an account of who did what for the other., .

9. true love is committed. it’s human nature to be attracted to other people, to allow your head to be turned by an attractive passerby. don’t let this make when you feel true love with someone, you are considerate, generous, and friendly with them. you don’t try to hurt them; in fact, you don’t ever one of the signs of true love is simply seeing a future together and talking about it. you’re not just fantasizing about walking down the aisle to marry him,, .

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