successful marriage

committing fully to another person—regardless of the love you have for them—can be tough. continuing to be curious, both about your partner and yourself is an ideal way of sustaining a long-lasting relationship.” your ability to do this depends both on the level of communication between your sensitivity to other peoples’ feelings and experiences.” being curious about why your partner sees the world the way they do, and also about the feelings that this brings up for you, will help in this and, again, help you to grow in the relationship.” the resolution of this comes down to communication.

(in other words, the usual human failings which form part of any relationship), the problem can be in the meaning we attach to these things and also how we communicate them to our partner.” “listening to your partner when they are telling you something they find difficult about you is definitely challenging!” of all the essential relationship skills you need, this is one that you should commit to developing wholeheartedly. this means that we have to learn our relationship skills as adults—firstly the mechanics of expressing ourselves and listening, and secondly that it’s safe to do so and we’re more likely to get what we need when we do.” ‘that’s the way i am and my partner will just have to get used to it.’ usually, this belief is defensive, and when they discover that being curious about their own patterns of behavior, exploring the possibility of changing can not only be safe but also lead to increased intimacy.”

if you call yourself happily married, this is one of the traits that your marriage is a successful one. having healthy discussions and listening to each other’s point of view is one of the characteristics of a successful marriage married couples can have different professional goals. couples in a successful marriage motivate each other and work together towards achieving other’s goals. taking decisions about the future together is a sign of a healthy marriage. being best friends is one of the characteristics of marriage. only when you both are best friends and confide in each other, are you able to be yourselves. in a successful marriage, both spouses make each other their priority and compromise for each other. spouses who respect each other’s opinions and decisions are more likely to be happy in the marriage.

spouses are bound to make mistakes in a marriage. sometimes, one of the spouses make a huge mistake and it’s on the other one to decide what to do about it. for couples, the most crucial elements of a successful marriage are the elements that keep the marriage going, one of them being love. holding grudges of the past will only hold your marriage back and poison it more. only when both spouses are willing to learn from their mistakes and grow together in the marriage, are they able to move past it and focus on building a future together. if you really want a long, successful marriage, persistence is a characteristic of marriage that both spouses need to have. it is important to be consistent, committed and keep an open flow of communication between the two of you. instead of holding grudges, find a solution to the problem and sort things out.

a successful marriage is possible! here are 10 principles that will help you create and maintain a successful marriage. 8 keys for a successful and healthy marriage 1. love/commitment. 2. sexual faithfulness. 3. humility. 4. patience/forgiveness. 5. time. 6. honesty and another common definition of a successful marriage is commitment, responsibility, and sacrifice. some people believe that good understanding and, .

they have learned to invest their money, energy, and time into the essentials of a healthy marriage: marriages take work, commitment, and love, but they also need respect to be truly happy and successful. a marriage based on love and respect doesn’t just happen. both spouses have to do their part. forgiveness is one of the main ingredients of a successful marriage. everyone makes mistakes. your partner is bound to do things that upset you from time to time, but if you can forgive them, it will strengthen the bond between you. one of the most important rules for a happy marriage is to apologize to each other. there are many factors that contribute to a satisfying marriage/relationship such as; love, commitment, trust, time, attention, good communication including listening , partnership, tolerance, patience, openness, honesty, respect, sharing, consideration, generosity, willingness/ability to compromise, constructive a listening ear, validation, empathy, sharing, and understanding can all be elements of a healthy connection. these elements serve as a basis of establishment as well as the benefits of the connection. this connection is not limited to marriage, however. a therapist shares the six relationships skills every couple needs for a successful marriage. plus, how to strengthen your relationship the four steps to a successful marriage will become your pocket guide to all your relationships. read more spending time together regularly, shopping, dining out, going to the cinema, walking, swimming,involvement in sports, exercising, sharing hobbies and holidays, . the keys to a successful marriagecommunicate clearly and often. tell your spouse that you’re thankful for having him or her in your life. make time for you two as a couple. plan for some personal time. understand that it’s ok to disagree. build trust. learn to forgive. they have learned to invest their money, energy, and time into the 8 essentials of a healthy marriage:love/commitment. at its core, love is a decision to be committed to another person. sexual faithfulness. humility. patience/forgiveness. time. honesty and trust. communication. selflessness. 8 traits of a happy marriage, according to a couples therapistthey stay committed. sounds obvious. they assume their partner is doing his or her best. they communicate respectfully. they laugh. they are flexible. they are curious. they share values. they are willing to learn and grow. here’s brief summary of the 7 principles for making marriage work:enhance your love maps. nurture fondness and admiration. turn toward each other (rather than against or away). let you partner influence you. solve your solvable problems. overcome gridlock. create shared meaning. 7 signs of a healthy marriagefreedom to be yourself. each individual has his/her own identity. lots of good communication. good sex life. trust in each other. faithfulness to one another. balance exists. the marriage is fun! here are twelve characteristics of successful marriages.communication. having good communication with your spouse is one of the most important things in a marriage. admiration and respect. companionship. spirituality and values. commitment. affection. ability to deal with crises and stress. responsibility.

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