good relationship advice for breakups

and then there are the more permanent questions: do you want to stay in contact with your ex? we’ll get to the guiding principles on how to handle a break up gracefully, but first, consider whether or not breaking up is the right thing to do at this time. but if you’ve decided it’s time to pack it up and shut down the relationship, well, i commend you on your bravery. do it in private and do it with someone …

intimacy in a christian relationship

it is also felt that uncontrolled and irresponsible expressions of affection and sexual permissiveness are directly responsible for the breakdown of much in our society. few in modern culture would care to return to the marriage system of ancient civilization. this has occurred to the neglect of focusing on important qualities such as integrity, purity, and commitment; all of which are needed to sustain a marriage and family. however scripture is full of stories and truths that declare the need …

dating after a toxic relationship

you know now not to bend and bend and bend for another person. you think about the people you have in your corner. but in all the gushing, you start to worry. as you walk up to the restaurant for your second date, you remind yourself that the unhealthy relationship you walked through was a teacher instead of a setback because you took the time you needed to heal.

you have learned to use your voice. things don’t stick with …

relationship breakdown advice

beside the difficult emotions that you’ll no doubt be going through, there’s often a whole host of other things to think about. if you’re going through a break-up, divorce or separation and are struggling, you can talk to the calm helpline, where trained staff will offer practical support and guidance to help you move forward. relationship breakdowns can be particularly hard if you didn’t expect them to happen, there are children involved, or your partner was the only person you …

relationship advice for empaths

if you’re an empath—someone who can feel the energies and emotions of other people as if other people’s energies and emotions were your own—your sensitivity sets you up for some unique blessings regarding love. if you’re an empath who wants to date or be in a committed partnership, remember that your sensitivity does not have to hold you back. because empaths can feel other people’s energies and emotions so intimately, they may struggle with confrontation or asserting themselves in a …