unhealthy relationship advice

the worst of the unhealthy relationships are abusive and while you cannot change your partner, you can make the decision to change yourself and end the relationship. stay strong and make a plan for what you will say and do whether it is your partner moving out or you. if the relationship is unhealthy because of abuse or because you feel threatened by the other person, plan beforehand accordingly to ensure your own safety. you don’t have to spill all …

advice for unhealthy relationships

if your best friend is in a relationship that you think is not working well for them, it can be hard to know what to do. you can do this in such a way that it is subtle, and not obvious. but you can talk about things related to the choices your friend is making. “chances are your friend already knows the problem, but needs to process it and find a receptive person to listen and guide him or her, …

unhealthy love

the national domestic violence hotline reports that “nearly half of all women and men in the united states have experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime.” during this season so focused on love, it’s also important to recognize when love is no longer healthy and when it’s time to walk away from a relationship. if you understand what healthy love looks like, it’s easier to recognize the signs that you’re experiencing unhealthy love. healthy love allows you …

relationship advice for young people

but for some parents and carers, their child starting a new relationship or to have sex can also be a worrying time. we can help you to spot the signs of an unhealthy relationship and know what to do if you’re worried.signs that a child might be in an unhealthy relationship are:  if you’re worried a child or young person might be experiencing grooming, sexual, emotional or physical abuse, it’s important to get help right away. it’s important for parents …

relationship advice for young adults

explore with your teen or young adult what love is and the many forms of love. convey to your child that they may define being in love quite differently than someone else and that there is no “right” definition of being in love. talk about how people can be attracted to or preoccupied with other people for a range of positive and negative reasons, and discuss the importance of understanding why your teen or young adult might be attracted to …