living together relationship problems

the better news is: in this post, i’m going to share with you how to solve these new issues with grace and ease. he said he’s mad he needs to tell me where he is, and i expressed it makes me feel safe to know. and the great news for you is: i can point to the exact challenges in our first year living together that taught us so many of the relationship lessons that have carried us through nearly …

stages of love relationship

nature needed a way to ensure that us humans would reproduce (and ensure the survival of our species). for example, it might be useful to know now whether or not you’re both on the same page about having kids, or monogamy etc… if you can get these “deal-breaker” conversations out of the way now, the rest of your relationship will go a lot more smoothly. if you recognize this pattern in your own relationship or marriage, then your relationship has …

after 6 months of dating

when we are yet together, i can honestly say that i am fulfilled and happy. you instance, he hasn’t said the l word expect and i’m confused, because from you to time, i you get the vibe that he does love me you the way he looks at me you the way he takes cares of me. then i asked why he hasn’t said other l word yet, he said he isn’t you and that saying the l word is …

1st year of marriage problems

you have your own set of routines and a pace of life. understanding the various problems you may encounter in the first year of your marriage can prove beneficial in this case. you have to understand marriage is a partnership and requires both parties to participate in the decisions. during the initial year of your marriage, you have to adjust your finances and spending habits to suit the two of you and your family, and it is often a tedious …

problems of marriage in sociology

marriage is the legally recognised union of two people in a personal relationship. there is a general decline in marriage rates in western countries, as shown by this graph mapping the downward trend in the uk. cohabitation refers to a couple living together as if they were married, but without the legal status and rights of a marriage or civil partnership. they argued that marriage was the construct of the patriarchal system and the marriage contract in reality was a …