sibling relationship problems

siblings are two or more individuals who share a parent in common. when it comes to child development, sibling relationships can be incredibly important. because of the intimate nature of these relationships, conflict is almost inevitable. american children are more likely to grow up in a household with a sibling than with a father. the quality of sibling relationships can predict mental health later in life. yet some siblings are unsuccessful in this arena. when children’s needs are not adequately …

sister relationship problems

some siblings may outgrow the constant bickering or disdain they felt toward each other in the childhood days and develop a close, loving relationship as adults. and if you really dislike their partner or worry that the relationship is toxic, it can bring up a lot of concerns and negative feelings. “clients who bring this issue to counseling have a grab bag of emotions: fear that this will ruin their relationship with their sibling, resentment of being expected to be …

blended marriage problems

you want to make sure that your family will be healthy and happy and be a strong, cohesive unit. your family is different, and that means the process is going to be different. even if your children and their children were the best of friends before the two of you became one family, it doesn’t mean that you’re going to blend with no problems. talk to them about how you are now one family, which means you’re going to be …

blended family relationship problems

common problems with blended families are often unanticipated, and they manifest after the new family is formed. when a blended family forms, competition between the kids can increase and become more complicated. one example is that if their mom and stepdad are now the primary caregivers, children could become more attached to their stepdad than their biological dad, which can be confusing for them. two families becoming one can add to the legal issues that arose when each original family …

2nd marriage problems

but before you pick up the phone, take a deep breath and consider exactly what it means to be struggling in your second marriage. but when the honeymoon phase ends many couples in miserable second marriages cite intimacy and sex to be one of their biggest problems – just like couples in first marriages do. and yet the likelihood that two people who decide to marry will have identical ideas of what it means to be a husband or wife …