dating advice for short guys

one of the worst things that guys can do to themselves is to get defensive about being short. society tends to equate height with masculinity and power; when you are lacking in one, you feel that people assume you’re lacking in the others as well. peter dinklage is a goddamned sex symbol now because of the way he plays tyrion lannister. yes, you may have to fake it for a while as you unlearn the bullshit that’s been shredding your …

dating advice for short men

i didn’t realise yet the foundation that was being laid for a lifetime of worshipping strong brunette women and pocket-sized men. “the evolutionary account says height is a proxy for good reproductive success, while the cultural says we have been programmed by society and the media to associate height with competence, success, attractiveness, and likability,” she explains. she backs up my belief that this is likely more of an issue for straight women than for people of other sexualities and …

the rules dating advice

the rules was a dating guide, a set of instructions on what to do and not do to catch a man. i recently told a friend that it was the 20th anniversary of the rules, and she whispered, “the crazy thing is, most of that book was right.” i was certain, at the age of 26, that my failure to secure a boyfriend meant i was doing something wrong. i spent that week in a fever of anticipation. he screamed, …