advice for long lasting relationship

while creating personal goals is a good way to maintain your identity in a long-term relationship, it’s also important to share future goals with your partner and to work towards those goals together. sometimes this means not always getting your way, and that can be a hard pill to swallow, but in the end it is important for relationships to have give and take. check-ins don’t necessarily have to be about conflict, they can also be a time to praise …

long lasting marriage advice

you should not just marry a person because you have fallen in love and you feel like you already want to spend the rest of your life with her or him. know that as husband and wife, the both of you are obliged to live together, support each other, be honest with each other, be faithful to each other, do procreation, and take care of your children. and for the husband, if your wife tells you not to touch or …

long term dating advice

she provides therapy to people who struggle with addictions, mental health, and trauma in community health settings and private practice. she received her ms in clinical mental health counseling from marquette university in 2011. there are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. in this case, 85% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. if you’re tired of playing the field, or are interested in …

lasting marriage

a study published by cornell university found that communication is the number one trait of marriages that last. the majority of the participants said they believed that most marital problems could be resolved with open communication. in the same study published by cornell university, researchers found that a sense of commitment is a key factor in long-lasting marriages. commitment is the glue that holds your marriage together. when it comes to maintaining a good marriage, the old adage is true: …

long term marriage

“lots of people do stay married for the long haul and of those who do many of them find a sublime experience: the pleasure, interest and feeling of being with somebody for a half-century. a partner who can palpably sense that their spouse is committed to them is the no. “it’s a sign that we still choose to be connected.” still, both husband and wife attest to the more sobering ebbs and flows of a union spanning decades.

“the battle …