working couple problems

dual-career couples tend to go through three phases of being particularly vulnerable: when they first learn to work together as a couple; when they experience a midlife reinvention; and in the final stages of their working lives. and when one of them wants to undertake a professional reinvention, what does that mean for the other? they were full of energy, optimistic, and determined to live life to the fullest. in the first transition in particular, couples often look for logistical …

couple compatibility

do you share a special connection with someone? is he or she your special person? this love meter will help you find out. this is a simple love calculator which displays love percentage based on names. enter your name and the name of your partner/lover/crush to find love compatibility & chances of successful love relationship. love calculation by a love calculator is based on certain algorithm. once two names are entered, this calculator matches the name of the first person …

couples dating couples

it’s quite common for polyamorous people to begin new relationships while already in a relationship; this is, after all, the nature of polyamory. by defining the parameters up front about who you expect to be intimate with, you can avoid a lot of grief down the road. this is particularly a problem with “don’t ask, don’t tell” relationships, where it may be difficult or impossible for you to verify whether or not your prospective lover’s partner is even okay with …

couples therapy interventions

according to the american association of marriage and family, more than 97% of surveyed couples feel like they got what they needed using one or more forms of couples therapy techniques. reflective listening is a specific type of couples therapy that can be beneficial for partners who want to work on their communication skills. the goal of narrative therapy is to help couples see that one single story on its own can’t truly encompass an entire experience together. it helps …

couple marriage

a religious marriage is performed by a religious institution to recognize and create the rights and obligations intrinsic to matrimony in that religion. he argued that a legitimacy-based definition of marriage is circular in societies where illegitimacy has no other legal or social implications for a child other than the mother being unmarried. this can be interpreted as a form of plural mating, as are those societies dominated by female-headed families in the caribbean, mauritius and brazil where there is …