the problem with relationships today

the way we see relationships today is definitely not the feeling it is meant for. certainly, we are committing some mistakes and that is the reason most of the relationships lack in achieving a happy ending. it is one of the main reasons why most of the relationships fail today. we need to understand that there is a big difference between love and lust. another main reason why most of the relationships fail to reach the end is the lack …

problem with relationships today

why do we fail at love every time, despite trying so hard? have we forgotten how to love? we want everything easy. we don’t let our love grow, we let go before time. we want someone to watch movies and party with, not someone who understands us even in our deepest silences. we don’t want the boring life. we don’t have time to love, we don’t have the patience to deal with relationships. we look for instant gratification in everything …

modern relationship problems

there is no doubt about that. one of the things about modern relationships is that they don’t last and they easily fall apart. couples tend to share details about their lives that should be kept private, even from their friends and family. people usually ruin things by judging them and that’s why privacy is a relationship saver. to be happy in a relationship, you have to invest time, understanding yourself and finding out what you love and what you don’t …

sagittarius and capricorn relationship

capricorn is detail-oriented and passive, even shy, and is always looking toward the next project. their differences can actually forge a stronger relationship in the long run, there being vast amounts each partner can learn from the other. early in the relationship, sagittarius and capricorn may not be able to see past one another’s flaws. sagittarius can show capricorn adventure and excitement, and can offer a glimpse of the freedom so often missing from capricorn’s life. capricorn teaches sagittarius to …

perpetual problems in a relationship

when thinking about conflict in a relationship, it is important to ascertain whether a problem is solvable or perpetual. these problems are grounded in the fundamental differences that any two people face. instead of solving perpetual problems, what seems to be important is whether or not a couple can establish a dialogue about them. in today’s post, we want to take the opportunity to explain the difference between a solvable problem, a perpetual problem, and a gridlocked perpetual problem.

the …