husband wife relationship after marriage

refrain from posting comments that are obscene, defamatory or inflammatory, and do not indulge in personal attacks, name calling or inciting hatred against any community. sex is all fun and games when there’s no responsibilities or the tag of ‘marriage’ upon you. if no one has told you yet, then you need to hear it: sex after marriage is complicated. and so, know what happily married people have to say about having sex after marriage! my husband and i are …

relationship advice for new parents

that being said, just because a baby is in the picture doesn’t mean that mom and dad need to throw their romantic relationship out the window. wasn’t just a mom and that she was her own person with interests and passions. while they still make sure they get out, they recognize that most of their date nights will have to happen at home once the kids are in bed — and that’s okay. that really brings a lot to the …

relationship issues with stepchildren

in the earlier years of my second marriage i’d stomp around like a 3-year-old demanding that god do something. your own bedroom is a great place to begin, and then expand from there as able. the goal for providing exclusive time together is to make your time with them feel less intrusive. a big mistake women often make after finding the man of their dreams is to eliminate girlfriends. i was raised to be polite to adults regardless of the …

relationship sayings

some of the links in this post may be affiliate links. is there anything more challenging in life than relationships? many people would argue that having great relationships is the key to happiness. after all, what good is money and success if you have no one to share it with? we’ve put together a list of all the very best quotes about relationships to help you celebrate the people who mean the most. the meeting of two personalities is like …

newborn relationship problems

but nothing prepares you for how life-altering it truly is, and many are caught off guard by how drastically a baby affects their day-to-day world, and their relationships. overwhelmed by the needs of a new child and the transformative experience of parenthood, couples can easily let their marriage take a back seat. fatherly spoke to hoppe about the five most common marriage issues she sees and what couples can do to keep their relationship in a healthy place. but if …