relationship ocd and marriage

they may do this by repeatedly asking family and friends as to whether they like and approve of the intended spouse. by the time patients with relationship ocd seek treatment they have often been engaged in compulsive checking, reassurance seeking, and rumination for many hours a day and for many months. i ask them to embrace uncertainty and be willing to sit with the anxiety caused by the thought that they may not be marrying the “right” person.

please remember …

step daughter relationship problems

it feels as if your marriage is crumbling before your eyes and you know exactly who to blame. lara’s son, robbie, is 10 and lives with them most of the time. he said she was acting like a baby and needed to grow up and thought kristi coddled her too much. little kids have a lot of big feelings, and they rarely know what to do with them. on the contrary, others hold on to a lot of emotional baggage …