psychology of intimate relationships

to many people, part of the appeal, the mystique, of love is that it is incomprehensible. let us take a look at what the science of love has to say and find out. is the stuff of commitment and emotional intimacy. in short, the common idea that “opposites attract” is nearly entirely a myth. this effect, called , was discovered by robert zajonc (1968), and it is one of the most well-known effects in psychology. in the case of sex, …

intimate relationship definition psychology

intimacy, the state of being intimate, which is marked by the consensual sharing of deeply personal information. intimates reveal themselves to one another, care deeply about one another, and are comfortable in close proximity. according to psychologist harry reis and colleagues, for a relationship to be intimate, self-disclosure must occur in a context of appreciation, affection, understanding, and acceptance. indeed, an intimate experience has not taken place until there is empathic feedback—until acceptance and acknowledgment are communicated verbally or nonverbally …