postpartum marital problems

it is common for couples to face marital problems during their first year after welcoming a new child into the world. however, postpartum depression is directly linked to an increase in marital problems. there is often not just one single cause of postpartum depression marriage problems. it is never possible for a couple to be 100% prepared for a new baby to join the family. because of this increased workload for both parents, it can be difficult for each one …

postpartum relationship problems

these changes can be good and bad. after your baby comes along, you and your partner are on duty as parents. as parents, you’ll more than likely find your lives suddenly structured around baby and her feeding, sleeping, settling, awake time and daily care. you also solve problems more easily with a better night’s sleep under your belt. when there are two parents who aren’t getting enough sleep – and who are possibly stressed about caring for a new baby …