past issues affecting current relationship

“you’re not doomed to repeat past mistakes in relationships, but you can easily fall into the same patterns if you aren’t aware of them and don’t take steps to prevent making them again,” board-certified psychiatrist and dating and relationship coach dr. susan edelman tells bustle. so if you identify any of these habits in your new relationship, it may mean it’s time to take a deeper look at what brought you to this point. and having the same arguments over …

relationship advice 101

in essence, if you are incapable of taking care of your own emotional and physical needs, you are not ready to pursue a relationship. knowing that you are totally worth the love and affection someone offers you is a step towards a healthy relationship. you must accept yourself and be dedicated to improving the areas of your life that you wish to change. if you can enjoy time with yourself, you will be an asset to a relationship. it’s not …

previous relationship trauma

there are many temptations to organize our life around the experience of earlier trauma. of course, this lack of reflection means that in many cases, the body is overreacting. even if they have managed to extricate themselves from a bad relationship, they may retain the learned impulse to react without reflection to any hint of a repeat. if this describes you, you may in the moment feel a dreadful sense of deja vu and react negatively. instead of allowing yourself …

unresolved relationship

they do not fade away unless you make an effort to work through them. whether your unresolved issues originate from disappointments in past or present relationships, you shouldn’t remain enslaved to them. if you have made mistakes in your relationship, your partner might harbor feelings of resentment that have not been fully expressed. even if your partner seems to have forgiven you, you might still feel guilty. these fears might cause you to either lash out in anger or behave …

childhood issues affecting relationships

what are the impacts of childhood trauma on my adult relationship, today? can we trust other to support us in times of emotional need? without the safety net of a secure attachment relationship, children grow up to become adults who struggle with feelings of low self-worth and challenges with emotional regulation. these individuals usually grew up in a supportive environment where parents consistently responded to their needs. the individuals have a positive outlook on life, are comfortable with closeness, and …