open marriage instead of divorce

this material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. powered and implemented by factset digital solutions. mutual fund and etf data provided by refinitiv lipper. depending on a couple’s finances and level of conflict, a divorce can cost $5,000 or $25,000 or $50,000 or even $500,000. well, there is a different solution, and i have recommended it to some of the couples who have visited me, resolved to divorce. i call it a “consorce.” the word “divorce” comes from …

open relationship saved my marriage

thinking it must be some emergency, i answered and found myself on the phone with the wife of a male colleague, named james, accusing me of having an affair with her husband. we had a chuckle about it and went on with our days. “ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb usually if i said something like that, nick would know to close the conversation, but he just wouldn’t let this go. i agreed to think about it for a week and let nick know my …

dating in a parenting marriage

while most couples contemplate divorce as a means to end a relationship that is no longer working for either party, the concept of a parenting marriage stems from an entirely different motivator all together—one aimed at serving a very unique purpose. just as couples who decide to divorce based on the realization that their marriage is no longer a healthy option, couples who choose a parenting marriage also recognize that their relationship has changed and is no longer the romantic …

dating and marriage

date nights improve marriages, according to common sense and a comprehensive, quantitative study conducted by the national marriage project at the university of virginia. in an article about the study, w. bradford wilcox and jeffrey dew highlight five reasons why date nights have strong correlations to healthy marriages: date nights provide opportunities for communication, novelty, eros, strengthening commitment, and de-stressing. novelty: date nights help create new experiences in relationships that have fallen into the mundane ruts that we naturally gravitate …

leo and aquarius compatibility 2020

we look for and find love. read through this section to find out how each of the above dynamics works astrologically so you can experience the optimal way to communicate and get along with your sign and all the other signs. as the “i perform” sign of the zodiac, leo is competitive, playful, and confident. the leo parent and aquarius child can work well together. the aquarius child often appears to be from a “different world” regardless of who is …