trust issues in marriage

here are the biggest relationship problems that cause trust to break down, and advice regarding the role trust plays in a couple’s decision to get divorced. in a loving relationship, partners should be able to trust their spouse with their deepest secrets and biggest dreams without fear of judgment. the daily behavior of a spouse can have a great effect on how we feel in our marriage. trust is an important aspect of any relationship and it is easy to …

emotional intimacy issues in marriage

however, when couples are missing the closeness that they once had and not feeling loved, a lack of time together is a major part of the problem. the most common excuse i hear is that “we are so busy” with work/school/kids/aging parents/etc., that we don’t have the time or energy to carve out any time for ourselves as a couple. parents that are spending an inadequate amount of time and attention on their marriage are modeling this to the kids. …

abandonment issues in marriage

someone struggling with abandonment issues may experience the effects of love relationships predominantly as they are intimate and require vulnerability. in this article, we’ll discuss how to overcome abandonment issues and how you can help someone with such issues so that they can have a healthy relationship. if you do not acknowledge and admit your deep-seated feeling, you can repeat a cycle of choosing the wrong mates ultimately leading to settling in an unhappy marriage. if you answered yes these …

trust issues with wife

trust issues in a relationship can instigate fear and judgment can become clouded and doubt and suspicion may grow. once you get past the initial infatuation, however, and the relationship begins to blossom, you truly begin to learn where the relationship is headed and a deep foundation of trust can begin to develop or diffuse. sometimes, unfortunately, when either one or both people in a relationship have a hard time opening their hearts to trusting one another, it can grow …

trust issues after infidelity

we recognize that this may be challenging for some to read and advise those still dealing with the trauma of an affair to exercise their best judgment in reading this. in this phase for recovery, according to the gottman method, it is the cheater’s responsibility to take fault as well as make amends and reparation for their actions. the everyday reminders of my cheating and the verbal lashes i received from my partner made it seem as if it would …