over committing in a relationship

it caused me to reflect on the reason i get up in the first place. commitments came to mind. “people think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. it means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. you have to pick carefully. innovation is saying no to 1,000 things.” steve jobs oh boy, dan!

ambition – your relationship with the future. saying no and sticking to the focus- your relationship with …

commitment phobia treatment

commitment phobia is the unrealistic fear of making a promise or a vow to be faithful and loyal to another person. the ‘scary’ parts of being in a relationship, such as revealing your weaknesses and vulnerabilities, is what keeps people with commitment phobia from getting deeper in a serious commitment. fear in general is not a bad thing – it is actually an innate part of us that is supposed to keep us from dangerous situations. facing a fear of …

love in a relationship

but when it comes to romance, the feelings of love and being in love are separate and depend on the stage of your relationship. if you’re trying to interpret the strong emotions you have for your special someone, here’s how to determine if you’re in love or simply feeling love for them: being in love with someone is emotionally charged. the excitement and wonder of early love, of mutual discovery, of delighting in fantasies, and anticipating sharing so much in …

dating someone with a girlfriend

ethics-wise, you know that you shouldn´t date someone with a girlfriend, or boyfriend, or anyone who´s in a committed relationship. even if never in their wildest dream did they think that they would end up as the third person, some people are tempted to follow their heart regardless. the thought that he´s only in a relationship but he´s not married can drive you to fight for your love, after all, what if you´re certainly the one who´s meant for him? …

biggest problem in a relationship

the trick is in knowing when the problems can be solved and when it’s time to move on. the most satisfied couples learn to accept each others’ strengths and weaknesses, working through their relationship problems. a long-lasting relationship is also about compromise. people fight over how to spend, how much is enough, and who should be responsible for the bills. if she’s a tightwad even when you’re not around, it might just be part of her personality. some couples fight …