attachment issues in a relationship

attachment, or the attachment bond, is the emotional connection you formed as an infant with your primary caregiver—probably your mother. by identifying your attachment style, you can learn to challenge your insecurities, develop a more securely attached way of relating to others, and build stronger, healthier, and more fulfilling relationships. identifying these patterns can then help you clarify what you need in a relationship and the best way to overcome problems. the strong foundation of a secure attachment bond enabled …

attachment issues to my boyfriend

however, the way you look for and obtain these connections is different, depending on the attachment style you developed with your close relatives (attachment figures). attachment theory focuses on relationships – especially long-term relationships – starting with those between parents and children and reaching all the way to romantic relationships. over the years, this child will grow into an adult who believes that intimacy leads to a loss of independence. the secure attachment style represents a foundation for healthy and …

attachment issues with boyfriend

i feel the we both have attachment issues and to really be with each other we need to learn to not need each other. i don’t know how to have that sense of detachment required in a relationship yet still be with someone. when two people create a committed relationship with one another, they start using words like “we” and “us”, indicating that they now consider themselves a pair. this can be terrifying (because to the extent you need another …

attachment issues in relationships

from the day we were born we turned to our parents (or guardians) for love, comfort and security, especially in times of distress. for others, parents respond to a child’s distress by being inconsistent in the support they provide, or not providing the right kind of support. they report the highest relationship satisfaction, tend to deal with conflicts by engaging in constructive behaviours, listen to their partner’s point of view, and do a good job of managing their emotions.

those …

attachment issues with partner

people with this attachment style often avoid getting too close to other people and feel uncomfortable with the idea of having to rely on a partner. in this article, we will focus on the anxious attachment style and how to identify it in yourself or your partner, as well as how to navigate it as a couple. it can be exhausting to constantly feel insecure and anxious in your relationship, which is why it is so important to address your …