parent relationship problems

even the most loving parents must put a lot of time and effort into developing positive relationships with their children. some problems require a little extra time and focused attention to make them disappear, while others may require parents to drastically change their style of parenting and how they interact with their children on a daily basis. children who do not respect their parents often show their lack of respect by failing to obey their parents or showing a disregard …

step parent relationship problems

some attempt to push their way into a step-parenting role that the kids weren’t ready for and another act as more in a friend capacity. while the path needs to be slow and gradual, there will be roadblocks, resistance from kids, step-parent rights and wrongs. there are rules, traditions, routines that no one wants another person to come in and change all that the kids are used to. some boundaries are specific to the ex, some for your spouse, and …

relationship advice for new parents

that being said, just because a baby is in the picture doesn’t mean that mom and dad need to throw their romantic relationship out the window. wasn’t just a mom and that she was her own person with interests and passions. while they still make sure they get out, they recognize that most of their date nights will have to happen at home once the kids are in bed — and that’s okay. that really brings a lot to the …

relationship problems in teenage

a teen requires guidance as they get into the world of love to avoid teenage relationship problems. trusting each other and resisting temptation will come a long way to make the relationship work. it is better to keep things casual until one is sure they find someone they can get into a serious relationship with. if he or she is not ready to listen, it is better to end the relationship and move on in pursuit of someone that respects …

newborn and relationship problems

i’m not alone: the majority of studies on marital satisfaction suggest that couples are less happy after they become parents, though the degree and length of unhappiness is more of an open question. all the experts i spoke with said that taking a transparent, proactive approach to dividing household work — including child care — was the number one way to keep the rage-beast of new parenthood at bay. the unfairness extends even to sleep: past research has found that …