marriage advice communication

but in a marriage, if there’s a communication breakdown, it can bring the whole thing down. i never have couples come into my office saying, ‘we really understand each other, that’s why we want a divorce!’ but of course the opposite happens all the time.” but how can couples start on that road to understanding and better, healthier interaction? “the number one correlation with happiness in couples is the number of appreciations they give to each other,” he says. in …

effective communication in marriage

and good communication is the key to improving your relationship. when she was in high school, they eventually had a few blow out fights and separated. is being a good communicator something you just have to be born with? power of two online is designed to help couples understand what psychologist have learned about how to communicate with your spouse, at a fraction of the cost of couples counseling. communication in relationships is like a river. however, when communication flow …

marriage counseling not working

if you’ve been going through a major rough patch with your partner and you just haven’t been seeing eye-to-eye, couples counseling may seem like the next step to take. before you choose to go to counseling, it’s important to figure out if it’s really right for your situation. you and your partner both have to put in the work. a good match will make you both feel comfortable, feel seen and heard, and will give you tips that are tailored …

marriage without trust

the feeling of security allows people to feel a deeper connection and gives them the drive and strength to endure tough times together. it has to be earned through time and effort. being able to trust each other is the key to a healthy and happy married life. that’s a handful of guidelines, but if you love each other, these will be easy. it gives you the freedom to fully express yourself. with trust, you feel safe and secure to …

marriage and family problems

christina likes the idea of her children growing up in a traditional family, while james is concerned about possible marital problems down the road and negative consequences for the children should that occur. the relationship between marriage and family is an interesting topic of study to sociologists. the question of what constitutes a family is a prime area of debate in family sociology, as well as in politics and religion. census categories aside, sociologists would argue that the general concept …