modern relationship problems

there is no doubt about that. one of the things about modern relationships is that they don’t last and they easily fall apart. couples tend to share details about their lives that should be kept private, even from their friends and family. people usually ruin things by judging them and that’s why privacy is a relationship saver. to be happy in a relationship, you have to invest time, understanding yourself and finding out what you love and what you don’t …

modern marriage advice

the best way to undermine the strength of your marriage is to invite a random person’s opinion into it. the same goes for the frenemy from high school, your ex-boss from that one job you quit three years ago, and yes, even your best friend. when something happens in your relationship, don’t expect your partner magically to know why you’re reacting the way you are (good or bad! your spouse has the right to his privacy, and so do you. …

dating term

thanks to the proliferation of dating apps and social media messaging services, dating now has a solid online component. it’s described as roaching if a person you’re dating is hiding the fact that they’re involved with multiple other people at the same time. the term is believed to have been coined by the dating app plenty of fish, and it’s gotten so popular that axios asked dr. fauci about it in february 2021. he found it hilarious. a zombie, in …

long term marriage

“lots of people do stay married for the long haul and of those who do many of them find a sublime experience: the pleasure, interest and feeling of being with somebody for a half-century. a partner who can palpably sense that their spouse is committed to them is the no. “it’s a sign that we still choose to be connected.” still, both husband and wife attest to the more sobering ebbs and flows of a union spanning decades.

“the battle …

men in open relationships

swinging, polyamory and monogamish are just some of the ways that couples can get frisky with people other than their primary partner. well if you’re reading this then you might be curious about it, so to help you make an informed decision about whether it’s right for you, here’s a brief overview of what this modern phenomenon is all about. modern couples are taking control back from these restrictive social norms by getting into relationships that are both trusting and …