commitment phobia therapy

a phobia is an extreme anxious behavior or reaction fueled by fear, most often an irrational fear. commitment phobia can be a hard thing to fully understand. it’s not given as a formal diagnosis, it is not in the dsm, and is generally not commonly discussed. someone with a commitment phobia very rarely, if ever, goes the distance in a relationship. a common misconception is that those who have a commitment phobia don’t want to be in relationships at all. …

gottman relationship advice

there’s a common misconception about relationships, and it starts with the words happily ever after that we hear in disney movies as children. they are the facts about how relationships can work in a positive, healthy, and lasting way. they found that the same positive outcomes from having healthy relationships appeared in both the harvard graduates and in everyday bostonians.

relationships are constantly in flux, and they will always have some kind of conflict or disagreement, whether that be with …

entj marriage

i brought a different set of skills and talents to our relationship – and i also brought a forceful will. on my side, at least, the secret to making marriage work is respecting a man i don’t always find respectable. i am an entj, and josh is exactly the opposite – an isfp. but as i said in “angry wives and the men who love them“, it doesn’t really matter how much you get done if your attitude stinks while …

problems of interpersonal relationship

childhood emotional trauma has more influence on interpersonal problems in adult patients with depression and anxiety disorders than childhood physical trauma. furthermore, the present study seeks to clarify the specific interpersonal pattern in different types of childhood trauma and neglect in patients with depression and anxiety disorders. childhood abuse and neglect was assessed using the childhood trauma questionnaire (ctq) [37], a 28-item self-report inventory assessing five types of trauma experienced as a child and a teenager: emotional, physical, and sexual …

counselling for relationship anxiety

after all, you want to feel secure in your relationship, and you want to enjoy the time you spend with your partner. but if they tend to be stable and consistent in their behavior, it may be more of a reflection of your anxiety. of course, it’s reasonable (and often recommended) to end a relationship if you aren’t compatible with the other person. you want to know where things are going- if you’re both on the same page. if you …