physical touch love language friendship

we had both felt a bit stifled in the environment where we were living and going to school. we just weren’t speaking the same language anymore, and our needs as friends weren’t being met. you don’t have to speak the same love language as your friend, you just have to make space for each of you to be heard and understood. you can take the 5 love languages quiz, and pass the link along to your friend to get a …

5 love languages in relationships

that right there is a basic example of different love languages. for a partner, it could mean telling them you love them more often or checking in throughout the day to tell them you’re thinking of them. let’s be clear that this is appropriate, consensual physical touch, which looks different depending on the situation and the type of relationship you have with the person. acts of service is the fourth love language, and this one will resonate if you believe …

friendship love language

learn how to connect more profoundly with the friends in your life by discovering how each of you prefer to give and receive love and care. the principles behind the love languages™ will give you the self-awareness you need to confidently control your reactions, resolve conflicts, and connect in meaningful ways with others. take one of the free quizzes today to start your personalized journey toward relationship health! gain new and valuable understanding of yourself and others, learn to express …

dating my friend

you may have even met each other’s family and other friends, which takes a lot of the stress out of announcing a new relationship. believe it or not, there’s a lot to consider before you make the (mutual, and explicit) decision to date a friend. unless you’ve discussed this in clear terms before, it can be difficult to determine whether your friend likes likes you or if they’re simply acting the way a good friend should. if one of you …

intimate challenges for couples

not only do physical and love relationship challenges give you something new to do together, they also help your relationship grow because you: i’ve written before about free apps for married couples, and want to share a few relationship challenges the two of you can do together using them. you might also want to check out my own article on how to create a biggest loser competition with friends, coworkers, and even with your partner! you would not believe how …