love and compatibility

when i get a uti, i find myself running to the bathroom every ten minutes and praying for relief. though we all strive for the sometimes elusive ideal of intense and passionate love, in reality, it is compatibility that makes a relationship work. while initially, it is love that brings a couple together, compatibility keeps it going, day in and day out and year in and year out. the relationship is filled with explosive fighting and periodic breakups, or at …

love in a relationship

but when it comes to romance, the feelings of love and being in love are separate and depend on the stage of your relationship. if you’re trying to interpret the strong emotions you have for your special someone, here’s how to determine if you’re in love or simply feeling love for them: being in love with someone is emotionally charged. the excitement and wonder of early love, of mutual discovery, of delighting in fantasies, and anticipating sharing so much in …

love relationship

finding love can be one of the most intense and invigorating experiences in life. a major part of being in a successful and loving relationship is being aware of how you and your partner express love and making adjustments to your love languages when necessary. the biggest difference between being fond of someone and loving someone is being able to embrace them not only in spite of their faults, but because of them. “in love means that you’ve weathered the …

relationship compatibility

as astrologers, we get asked this question all the time. and in order to accept someone, you have to understand them. we would never tell you to end a relationship because of someone’s zodiac sign. it all depends upon what you’re looking for in a your 20s you may love the wild instability of a challenging combo that allows you to develop your own fierceness and define boundaries.

we hope you’ll use this as a tool to grow, as …

virgo and libra sexually compatible

why do we feel drawn to someone? well, the answers to all these and more questions may be hidden in our zodiac signs. so, can we tell what the zodiac personality traits truly are? can we determine, with the help of astrology, which zodiac signs are at heart? the virgin is pragmatic, absorbed in detail, and analytical, while libra is the charmer whose character is often defined through a popular quote- a friend in need is a friend indeed! a …