trust and jealousy in relationships

if left untreated, jealousy can create a permanent wedge between you and your partner, while negatively affecting future relationships. jealousy in a relationship can be healed. how a couple deals with jealousy and other conflicts is vital to their success. it is amazing that something that starts off in our imagination can soon spark out of control and cause such devastating damage. just imagine instead, being able to do all of the things that make you happy instead of having …

psychology of trust in relationships

it is trust that allows us to navigate the uncertain and complex world we live in today. trust is integral to happy and fulfilling relationships in both our personal and professional lives. trust cannot be built if one person is willing and the other person is not.

gaining trust takes time, and trust is a choice. life is full of uncertainties and if you have been hurt, either in the past or with your current partner, where your trust has …

psychological issues in relationship conflict

when under stress, you may find yourself snapping at your partner or saying hurtful things you wouldn’t dream of saying had you been in a better is no secret that our mental health can have a great impact on how we handle our relationships – romantic and otherwise. this means that there are more instances of relationship conflict than ever taking care of their mental health, a patient will take care of their marriage. these are simple, yet …

rejection issues in relationships

awareness of fear makes it easier for you to work on the fear and stop it from destroying your relationships in the future. the risk of being in a relationship is that you have to trust someone else, who may take advantage of it. it is fine to have a degree of jealousy, but if you become suspicious and accuse your partner about their actions without evidence, your relationship may be heading towards an end. you may withdraw from contact …

self esteem issues in relationships

although it is natural to have fluctuations in confidence, if your self-esteem is consistently lacking, it can have a negative impact not only on you, but also on your relationships. self-defeating thoughts and insecurities can affect the way you act with your partner. if you are experiencing any of the following issues, you and/or your partner’s self-esteem may be hindering your relationship. you are not confident enough to stand up for yourself or express your feelings.

you are dependent on …