control issues in marriage

not only that, but the need to control every aspect of your own life as well the life and actions of your spouse and children be exhausting. the spouse that allowed him or herself to be controlled will suddenly be ready to leave and the controller will often not even see it coming. it is not control to expect that the marriage relationship come first, it is control when you are severely or completely limited in how often you may …

control issues in a marriage

instead of waiting months for just the right letters, this week i decided to write my own fictionalized letters for greg and sally. but when i was home, i did my best to give her and our daughter all of my attention. i asked her to write you a letter explaining why she is doing this. both of my parents are alive today, and my father is the same controlling man he was when i was a child. but i …

narcissistic marriage problems

however, if your partner has signs of a narcissistic personality, it could mean waking up to an entirely different person from who you thought they were. narcissistic personality disorder (npd) is a type of personality disorder that can cause many problems in the life and mental health of those that have the disorder. if you think your spouse could have a narcissistic personality disorder and your relationship is difficult to manage, it could be the result of numerous narcissistic marriage …

confidential relationship advice

everyone has their unique way of dealing with these emotions and knowing about your inner self can help you be a happier person and in turn make your loved ones happy. given everyone has their individual interpretations to these emotions it is crucial to understand our inner strengths and weaknesses. if we are aware of our vulnerabilities we can make note of them and engage in self-care to prevent further emotional suffering. how we spent our childhood with parents, siblings …

struggling marriage

to that end, here are six lessons we can learn about staying married through the good times and bad from the true stories featured in miller’s book. “it was precisely when i decided that divorce was not an option that my perspective changed,” one woman, married 50 years, recounted, after sharing that divorce had been her back-up plan from the beginning of her marriage:  i am convinced that if i hadn’t changed my attitude from one with a back- up …