intj marriage

once you know your personality type, you can then learn more about how this type interacts with others in interpersonal relationships, how they perceive the world around them, and what guides their decision-making mechanisms. for employers, this information is helpful to understand how to best manage and inspire all types of employees. they are strong strategic thinkers, excelling in analysis and critical thinking. they love to organize systems and make things work more efficiently. intjs struggle to find the right …

enfp dating advice

the enfp personality type also makes decisions based upon feelings and is a perceiver, meaning the enfp tends to be open to new information. the enfp partner is also spontaneous and seeks new experiences. other personality types with excellent enfp compatibility are enfj and the intj. this can cause the enfp and istj to clash.

this can be an advantage in some respects, as the enfp in love will be open to exploring their partner’s sexual fantasies. the enfp personality …

intp dating advice

finally, others observing your outer self will notice that you tend to be flexible and adaptable (perceiving) in the way you live your life. eventually you will get a bulletproof strategy for success, born from your in-depth analysis of what works, what doesn’t work, and the best ways to adapt as you keep learning. and the fact you had to work for it will make your emotional vulnerability even more meaningful to your partner!

and because you might naturally struggle …

entp dating advice

anyways, it’s got me thinking a lot about the mistakes i tend to make early on in a relationship that has led to detriments in the past. i’ve come to realize that entps tend to get wrapped up fully in a person to an obsessive degree (when the ne-fe loop is triggered). so in a similar fashion, we want to spend all our time with/talking to them, find out all we can and learn all we’re curious about them, get …