need for intimacy psychology

one of the great truisms in psychology is the fact that relationships matter to our sense of well-being. two of those stages applied specifically to the college years: identity vs. identity diffusion and intimacy vs. isolation (click on these links to read more about them). our participants were in their late 50s, and we had data from their college years that we could use to predict their scores on identity and intimacy at the earlier intervals when they were in …

psychology of intimate relationships

to many people, part of the appeal, the mystique, of love is that it is incomprehensible. let us take a look at what the science of love has to say and find out. is the stuff of commitment and emotional intimacy. in short, the common idea that “opposites attract” is nearly entirely a myth. this effect, called , was discovered by robert zajonc (1968), and it is one of the most well-known effects in psychology. in the case of sex, …

intimacy definition psychology

intimacy has more to do with shared moments than sexual interactions. intimacy is linked with feelings of closeness, safety, trust and transparency among partners in a collaborative relationship. intimacy is both the ability and the choice to be close, loving and vulnerable. this ability to be separate and together in an intimate relationship and being okay with that is called self-differentiation. this too is different from intimacy though to some that kind of dependent closeness may feel the same. the …

psychology of love and relationships

psychology of love: brain map of love, the role of kissing, how couples come to look similar, what kills a relationship and more… “love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.” ~ antoine de saint-exupéry from the initial moment of attraction to growing old together, here are 10 psychology studies that all lovers should know. this psychology of love suggests that sexual desire is more than just a basic emotion, …

examples of intimacy in marriage

intimacy is displayed when two people know and care for each other. before you can work on intimacy in marriage, it’s important to understand the four main types: emotional, intellectual, sexual, and experiential intimacy. but as we get closer and more comfortable with the other individual, that intimacy can die down. with that in mind, one of the best ways to improve intimacy with your spouse is to revel in new experiences. or, you might consider adding a new member …