interfaith marriage problems

in fact, it can be a catapult to improving the relationship. when you and your spouse are able to talk about your problems, you can come up with solutions that both of you can agree on. my mother never had one and neither will our daughter.” in my experience, the game plan for a marriage is best created before you walk down the aisle. although it was tough on me, and it took a long time to reach this conclusion, …

challenges of interfaith marriages

these facts are indicative of the high degree of assimilation and tolerance that is practiced in this country. for jews in particular, there is the guilt of contributing to the possible demise of their religion through the process of assimilation and intermarriage. if it is a christian/jewish marriage, they resent the possibility that no mention will be made of christ. in a family committed to their religious heritage and practice, the reality of a member leaving the fold can be …