infj relationships problems

that combines to with infj idealism to develop some pretty spectacular expectations for relationships. on the contrary, they want their relationships to be deep and meaningful, full of beauty, poetry, and sensitivity. we infjs have a tendency to “vanish,” and that can have a profound impact on our relationships. if we want to keep our relationships healthy, we need to be on-guard against spending so much time in our heads that we neglect the people we love.

and we also …

entp dating advice

anyways, it’s got me thinking a lot about the mistakes i tend to make early on in a relationship that has led to detriments in the past. i’ve come to realize that entps tend to get wrapped up fully in a person to an obsessive degree (when the ne-fe loop is triggered). so in a similar fashion, we want to spend all our time with/talking to them, find out all we can and learn all we’re curious about them, get …