trust in marriage

when building trust in a marriage, you must keep your promises to your spouse and your family. if you want your spouse to trust you, you must fight the instinct to lie and be completely honest in all of your interactions. if you are the one that hurt your spouse and destroyed the trust on both sides, you need to act with humility and ask your spouse for forgiveness. when you do things in the heat of the moment with …

meaning of intimacy in marriage

to define intimacy is really to determine how both of you relate to each other. the true definition of intimacy is not only about two bodies merging for physical intimacy or sex. it’s not that one person is smarter than the other; more so that you have a similar approach to life and enjoy conversing with each other. emotional intimacy in marriage is when a couple’s intimacy develops as a strong sense of closeness and love with each other. spiritual …

no trust in marriage

trust is a cornerstone of marriage. trust is not only important for the health of our relationship but also for our physical health. he found that the number one issue for couples was trust and betrayal. during his study, social psychologists asked people in relationships, “what is the most desirable quality you’re looking for in a partner when you’re dating?” the number one response was trustworthiness. trust is created in the small moments. “in any interaction, there is a possibility …

rebuilding trust in marriage

at some point or another, no matter how wonderful your marriage is or how many bluebirds chirp on your windowsill in the morning, someone will screw up and trust will be broken. sure, groveling can help, and flowers might be a step in the right direction. these are some steps you can take to earn your partner’s trust back. to rebuild trust in your marriage, you have to accept responsibility, apologize, and own it. “although all choices are made in …

psychology of trust in relationships

it is trust that allows us to navigate the uncertain and complex world we live in today. trust is integral to happy and fulfilling relationships in both our personal and professional lives. trust cannot be built if one person is willing and the other person is not.

gaining trust takes time, and trust is a choice. life is full of uncertainties and if you have been hurt, either in the past or with your current partner, where your trust has …