love quizzes for couples

whether you’re a new item getting to know each other or a husband and wife looking to test one another in a fun way, these relationship quizzes will be sure to spice up your day or night. try one of the online quizzes below and then get your significant other in on the action! take this quiz to discover your primary love language, what it means, and how you can use it to better connect with your loved ones. so, …

sexless marriage advice for women

but that doesn’t make it any easier — for some — when a week without sex turns into a month and a month turns into a year or longer. we have been in and out of therapy, dealing with everything. i started marking off time to have sex to make sure we did so at least every six months. we are friends, and i stopped trying for more. i was dissuaded from standing up for myself in part by the …

control issues in marriage

not only that, but the need to control every aspect of your own life as well the life and actions of your spouse and children be exhausting. the spouse that allowed him or herself to be controlled will suddenly be ready to leave and the controller will often not even see it coming. it is not control to expect that the marriage relationship come first, it is control when you are severely or completely limited in how often you may …

open relationship community

past trauma comes up and that’s not easy to control. we learned from our own path and decided to help others. our vip program, called the secure poly collective, is a series of transformative online workshops can that support you in balancing relational freedom and emotional responsibility to your partners. join our discussion groups and find over 7,000+ high-vibe open relators, who are on the same journey as you. you can now lean on fellow members for support through the …

depressed sexless marriage

it’s monday morning and i am off to work after another sexless weekend in an almost sexless marriage. this is me who used to be the most calm, care-free individual you could meet. we go to bed, turn our backs to each other and sleep — well i try, but can’t sleep properly because of the anxious, negative thoughts. imagine the feelings if someone you love, who used to be your enthusiastic physical and emotional partner, just loses all interest, …