funny bad relationship advice

since i’ve already shared the story of getting a brazilian wax at eight months pregnant, i thought the best way to bond with my co-authors of i just want to be alone would be to grill them for relationship advice, the good and the bad, and today i’m sharing our collective wisdom with you. i just want to be alone is released tomorrow (!!) and the advance praise is great! if you still aren’t sure what this book is all …

bad marriage advice

if she will only listen quietly — a process that is painful to her — you may firmly, rationally, and kindly convince her she is not always in the right. […] drinking of tea and coffee in unlimited quantities on the part of women probably has a great deal to do with what is called frigidity in women due to the health-destroying effects on the reproductive system,” wrote bernarr macfadden, in his popular tome womanhood and marriage. ), bringing surprise …

bad marriage advice funny

humor can help make a marriage last, and knowing how to make your partner laugh can go a long way. that’s why funny marriage advice always helps in the hard times.  lots of people, including famous authors, actors, and celebrities know not to hold back when it comes to humor in a partnership.  marriage life doesn’t always need to be so serious. by finding the humor in everything, from funny marriage advice for newlyweds to sayings about marriage and relationship …

bad love advice

when it comes to unhealthy dating and relationship tips, they seem to be everywhere, often disguised as the secret formula to the perfect love life. this way, you trigger her insecurities and she starts wondering if you really like her.” then, after sharing that wise piece of advice, he said he was using those tips with me. out of all the wrong love advice out there, the worst i have ever come across with — and that i want you …

bad dating advice

so, while you can certainly try the suggestions of your friends, don’t assume that theirs is the only way.” here are dating experts on the worst piece of dating advice they’ve heard — it’s a good reminder of why you need to trust your instincts. that’s why love doesn’t come when you least expect it, in truth, it’s the product of a shared existence and commitment to similar values.” the reality is that we are not going to be able …