first gay relationship tips

it’s always exciting to enter the honeymoon phase of a new relationship. here are some tips for gay guys to keep you on a winning streak. that said, it’s vital to lay foundations on solid ground and keep a few ground rules in mind. i’ve always been the type of person to give someone the benefit of the doubt and to try things their way, and you should try it too. gay guys will almost always value physical intimacy more …

gay relationship advice

but, whether gay, straight, trans or any other combination, when two people come together to date or to get serious, they face the same highs and lows that surface in any relationship. ditto for later on when you start to dig deeper into issues like building trust, managing expectations, tackling insecurities, navigating communication styles, and even dealing with exes who might be friends or parents of your children. isolation, including being rejected by family members, friends or co-workers, deciding who …

gay relationship advice break up

discussing a problem or impasse in your house is not a formal legal proceeding, and it’s not about ‘proving’ to some invisible judge that you’re right and your partner is wrong. even if you want to rush to defend yourself, do the opposite:  attempt to meet them in a place of collaborative discussion and healing. what about this is upsetting you?’  rather than engage in defensiveness, try to focus on just neutral exploration of your partner’s feelings to understand them …

gay dating tips

dating is hard enough as it is, but when you add that the fact you’re shy and introverted into the mix, then dating can be a special kind of hell. you can be quiet and introverted while still being engaged in the conversation. you gotta be you. don’t attempt to be something you’re not, or claim to be more extroverted when that isn’t the case. there’s no reason to lie or deceive. everyone’s excited to talk about which queen they …

gay dating tips for guys

what are you bringing to the table, and how are you presenting yourself? you can have preferences and standards, and be open to a wider range of gay men. now, there are gay dating apps that cater to men with a range of relationship preferences. even if looks aren’t the most important in your quest to meet gay men, your pictures are a key part of your experience in online dating. if you want to meet men who are quickly …