emotional abandonment in a relationship

emotional abandonment in a relationship often goes unnoticed because actions such as daily routines and obligations camouflage it pretty well. however, even so, when one of the partners stops attending to their partner’s needs, the matter becomes more serious. in the end, none of the partners is obligated to satisfy all the needs of the other. it means that the relationship has become a burden for the partners instead of a source of happiness. without a doubt, when there’s emotional …

improving intimacy in a relationship

having your partner to talk to at the end of it is both rewarding and stress-reducing. one factorâ to consider is the depth and quality of the partnership. in fact, showing consideration and kindness will go a long way to improving and maintaining a relationship. and this appliesâ not just to our partners, but to everyone.

it’s important not to try to change your partner, after all, this is the person that you fell in love with. for example, the …

real intimacy in a relationship

in an intimate relationship, you should feel safe being vulnerable and comfortable enough to expose your whole self, fields says. not sure if you and your s.o are on that level yet? in other words, what has your partner done to show that they’re getting to know you and vice versa? if you don’t feel like you can open up to your partner and still feel loved, your relationship might not be as intimate as you think. in a truly …

unrequited love in a relationship

unrequited love is one of the worst things you can experience when falling in love. unrequited means that they don’t feel the same way about you as you do about them. another common cause of unrequited love is when you chase after them, leaving them feeling overwhelmed or wanting to distance themselves from you. normally, this is a red flag showing you that something isn’t quite right in the relationship.

similar to the first point in this list, you know …

libra woman in a relationship

she will charm you right off the bat with just her smile alone and has the tendency to make new friends wherever she goes. it can be difficult for her to truly know what she wants and to vocalize it, which is why she struggles with making decisions. she seeks a relationship that is balanced and stable, and there won’t be too much fighting due to her understanding of her partner’s views. they are the peacemaker in situations, wanting to …