detachment issues in relationships

however, when you are in a relationship or a marriage, emotional detachment may not necessarily be such a positive thing and maybe a sign that something is off either with yourself or with your relationship. if this sounds like you or if your partner or spouse has commented on your emotional unavailability, there is a chance you may be emotionally detached. if the emotional detachment is a result of something traumatic or stressful in your life and you don’t want …

marriage lacking emotional intimacy

if you want to create a stronger, more secure relationship, you need to be attuned and responsive to each other and to reestablish the emotional connection, according to dr. sue johnson, developer of emotionally focused couple therapy. by recognizing that you are dependent on your partner and emotionally attached to him/her the same way that a child is attached to a nurturing parent. according to gottman’s research, turning against emotional bids is the greatest killer of a relationship. the kids, …

mommy issues in relationships

relationships between mothers and daughters are extremely important as they shape the future life and relationships with others of a woman. the complex occurs at the age of 3 to 5 years and can affect the personality of a woman. another reason for the inability to build emotional bonds is the fear of being vulnerable and opening up to other people. if a girl had to deserve mom’s love and attention in her childhood, most likely, she will have serious …

jealousy issues

but it can often tell you a thing or two about yourself and your needs. broach the topic of jealousy when you can both dedicate some time to a productive conversation. jealousy can sometimes give you a slightly warped sense of reality. remind yourself of your sturdy, reliable bike that gets you where you need to go.

turning your attention away from jealousy can also help keep you from acting on your feelings (and doing something that could harm a …

mommy issues in a relationship

do you have a strained or complicated relationship with your mother? she might have even made the choice to leave you with your other parent because she thought it would give you the best possible life. if your mother spent a lot of time pinpointing your flaws or critiquing your appearance, you might have a lot of shame and insecurity as an adult. when your mother is available to meet most of your physical and emotional needs from the get-go, …