intimacy in early adulthood

passion concerns the intense feelings of physiological arousal and excitement (including sexual arousal) present in a relationship, while decision/commitment concerns the decision to love the partner and maintain the relationship. intimacy concerns the sense of warmth and closeness in a loving relationship, including the desires to help the partner, to self‐disclose, and to keep the partner in one’s life. in addition to love and intimacy, sexuality is realized during young adulthood within the context of one or more relationships, whether …

childhood issues affecting relationships

what are the impacts of childhood trauma on my adult relationship, today? can we trust other to support us in times of emotional need? without the safety net of a secure attachment relationship, children grow up to become adults who struggle with feelings of low self-worth and challenges with emotional regulation. these individuals usually grew up in a supportive environment where parents consistently responded to their needs. the individuals have a positive outlook on life, are comfortable with closeness, and …

friendship abandonment issues

iten elyassaki is a licensed professional counselor experienced in serving clients with diverse needs. being a mother of two boys, she could natur… more momjunction believes in providing reliable, research-backed information to you. abandonment issues are created out of chaos and heartbreak. abandonment issues stem from your life experiences when you felt alone and could not rely on your loved ones to support you or take care of you. emotional abandonment is where you felt neglected emotionally, or you had …

benefits of teenage dating

though many may classify high school relationships as a waste of time, there are many positive outcomes of dating in high school that are unrecognized. according to the u.s. department of health & human services, “[high school] relationships also can play a role in supporting youth’s ability to develop positive relationships in other areas including: in school, with employers, and with partners during adulthood.”  by replacing cell phone use with quality face-to-face time, relationships give students time to figure out …

unhealthy love

the national domestic violence hotline reports that “nearly half of all women and men in the united states have experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime.” during this season so focused on love, it’s also important to recognize when love is no longer healthy and when it’s time to walk away from a relationship. if you understand what healthy love looks like, it’s easier to recognize the signs that you’re experiencing unhealthy love. healthy love allows you …