dating a strong woman

dating a woman who is strong and has her act together is an experience ripe with lessons to be learned. she is a problem-solver and she wants you to be, too. women like this are efficient communicators and the nuances of texting aren’t going to cut it. if she is going to fully commit to you, she expects the same in return — no games here. they are willing to have real conversations about real issues, and while there might …

dating tips in your 30s

the best gossip, the deep chats… so many of the conversations are centred around love, sex, and dating – no matter how ill-fated our exploits are at that age. it can be hard if you’re someone who starts dating later in life because you may not know where to begin. one of my friends, who didn’t have a relationship until a few months before her 30th birthday, stayed in that first horrible relationship for years. lots of people start dating …

black relationship problems

took me a minute to snap out of the euphoria. my girls — some of whom swear up and down that romance is dead – called me to say how touched they were by the love and affection between the first couple. they showed me the power of black love and multi-parenting, but i’m starting to see this is an anomaly. people will give all sorts of analysis as to why so many are growing up in single-family homes, but …