dating a therapist

pros of dating a therapist are that they’re good listeners, very patient, and very invested in the well-being of the relationship. but is it all that good to date a therapist? it will be tough to get to see your partner for long enough to have a meaningful relationship between private patients, hospitals, and visits to institutions. for one thing, being in a romantic relationship with a therapist will require you to have a lot of confidence. they are the …

dating a psychologist

once you have an understanding of what to expect you will have everything you need to make the most of your relationship with a psychologist. it’s important to remember that just because they’re in the helping profession and they help others to work out problems in their lives, a psychologist isn’t perfect himself. they deal with lots of stress at work and might need to decompress after a long day in order to give you their full attention. when it …

dating someone in therapy

that’s the million-quid question trending on social media – and as a single woman navigating the heterosexual dating scene, i can tell you that it’s enough to make anyone want to lie down on the therapist’s couch. the theory is that a man who has therapy is more emotionally open, more willing to communicate, and not so steeped in the culture of toxic masculinity that he sees therapy as weakness. ‘what that can then mean is that men bring all …

secrets to a happy marriage

feel great about your decision with pieces you fully personalize with your text, colors, and photos. there are many couples in happy marriages and you can bet they’re practicing these top 10 secrets. 1. have fun 2. give more 3. love languages 4. put the other first 5. brag about your spouse 6. keep the romance 7. talk about it 8. fight naked 9. forgive easily 10. keep your promise play a lot and laugh at each other’s jokes. go …

toxic dating advice

“if you aren’t interested, then you aren’t interested, and it’s honestly unfair to yourself and the guy to pretend that you are just because you feel pressured by other people to ‘give them a chance.'” so many teens think a ‘normal’ relationship is supposed to make you feel anxious and confused. people start thinking, ‘is this person really rejecting me or are they just playing hard to get?’ just be honest and clear from the beginning! it should just happen …