on a date with someone

jessica engle is a relationship coach and psychotherapist based in the san francisco bay area. jessica is also a licensed marriage & family therapist and registered drama therapist with over 10 years of experience. there are 25 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. whether you’re shy and inexperienced or seasoned and outgoing, there are plenty of ways a pickup line or a first date can fall flat.

if you think carefully …

to date with someone

you’re financially stable, you have your own home and a permanent job, but something is missing in your life- someone to share your happiness and love. you have to work hard and learn how to date if you want to be in a relationship. find the perfect time, and sincerely ask the other person that you want to start dating. this is where you feel all the butterflies in your stomach. that’s why we are trying our best to learn …

dating with trust issues

i tend to keep my walls up for too long and then let them come crashing down entirely all at once instead of gradually. and letting your boundaries come crashing down all at once instead of giving trust in little bits at a time is setting yourself up to get hurt. one of the problems i’ve figured out about myself is that my gut gave me signs not to trust certain people, and i ignored it. actually listening to your …

dating and marriage

date nights improve marriages, according to common sense and a comprehensive, quantitative study conducted by the national marriage project at the university of virginia. in an article about the study, w. bradford wilcox and jeffrey dew highlight five reasons why date nights have strong correlations to healthy marriages: date nights provide opportunities for communication, novelty, eros, strengthening commitment, and de-stressing. novelty: date nights help create new experiences in relationships that have fallen into the mundane ruts that we naturally gravitate …

dating someone with emotional issues

dating someone who struggles with their mental health issues may be challenging, but it is possible to construct a healthy relationship with a solid effort and the proper boundaries. it can be difficult to avoid frustration and remain patient with the other person when the factors of mental health and dating collide. being in a relationship with a partner who understands that mental illness may affect actions, words, and feelings can be a relief for the person who is struggling …