dating a friend

there are many temptations to organize our life around the experience of earlier trauma. this is important because on average, people prefer a partner whose personality resembles their own, especially when it comes to traits such as emotional stability and extraversion. if you suspect they are, the next question relates to the ways in which romantic involvement could impact your relationship—an analysis that is particularly dicey in a professional context. but before predicting the disastrous demise of a relationship that …

dating in a parenting marriage

while most couples contemplate divorce as a means to end a relationship that is no longer working for either party, the concept of a parenting marriage stems from an entirely different motivator all together—one aimed at serving a very unique purpose. just as couples who decide to divorce based on the realization that their marriage is no longer a healthy option, couples who choose a parenting marriage also recognize that their relationship has changed and is no longer the romantic …

dating at a young age

your child might not even wait for the teenage years before they ask you if they can “go out” with someone. according to the american academy of pediatrics, kids start dating at an average age of 12 and a half for girls and 13 and a half for boys. younger teens are more likely to date in a cluster, rather than one-on-one. talk to your teen or preteen about what dating or going out entails in their friend group. eventually, …

dating after a toxic relationship

you know now not to bend and bend and bend for another person. you think about the people you have in your corner. but in all the gushing, you start to worry. as you walk up to the restaurant for your second date, you remind yourself that the unhealthy relationship you walked through was a teacher instead of a setback because you took the time you needed to heal.

you have learned to use your voice. things don’t stick with …

dating advice for friends

do you grab your phone and begin to rehash every detail and ask for dating advice in your group chat? many of us start talking to friends about our relationships before they are even relationships, asking for advice from the first swipe. we caught up with logan ury, hinge’s director of relationship science and author of how to not die alone, for her expert opinion on the topic. “it’s critical that you learn how to tune into your own feelings …