common marital problems and solutions

my husband and i have experienced at least 4 of these 5 common marriage problems. the good news is that by being proactive instead of reactive, we can make significant changes and see growth and health come to our most important relationship. we could never find time to talk because he was always busy with work during the day and tired in the evenings. planning time to be intentional in sharing your heart with one another is key here. talk …

relationship problems and solutions

a strong relationship is one where both parties are ready and willing to navigate the bumpy path and work together to solve problems. here are 5 of the most common relationship problems and solutions to help you learn how to handle things more effectively as a couple. it’s about believing that your partner has your best interests at heart.7 if lack of trust is one of the issues you encounter in your relationship, here are some solutions to try. if …

family relationship problems and solutions

if you cannot change the frequency or length of your time away, there are other things you can do to decrease the distance between you and your family. your schedule may be cluttered with work, chores, and your children’s events, leaving little time for the things you want to do. instead, focus on the problem at hand, and ask yourself: “why does this person believe what they believe?” if you can find a way to understand the other person, you …

top marriage problems and solutions

communication in marriage is by far, the most important skill spouses need to have a married life with fewer marital problems. imagine the problems you will have in your marriage when you feel that it’s always your fault for issues in your marriage and rarely the fault of your spouse. first, keep in mind that you constantly cause issues in your marriage that your spouse has to forgive you for. for with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, …

married life problems and solutions

make decisions and keep your quarrels to yourself except it is so complicated that you need to see a counsellor – the professional person for the job. whatever brought both of you together as friends and what you did to make your spouse laugh at the beginning of your marriage should be maintained. you don’t want to destroy your marriage with your anger. the best alternative will be to fix it yourself if your spouse is not ready to fix …